Data Analyst Projects

Codebasics Resume Project Challenge - 7 - Data Analyst Project

Data Analytics Project – Codebasics Resume Project Challenge 7

About Challenge Challenge: Analyse Growth and Present Insights to the Telangana The challenge is about analysing the Telangana State’s growth in various sectors and presenting insights to the stakeholders. Stakeholders: Kalvakuntla Taraka Rama Rao Minister for IT, Industries and Municipal Administration Jayesh Ranjan Secretary, Information Technology (IT); Government of Telangana Dileep Konatham Director at Government

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Hospitality Insights - Data Analytics Project Challenge by Codebasics

Hospitality Domain – Data Analytics Project Challenge By Codebasics

This hospitality project is one of the resume project challenges run by Codebasics on a monthly basis. The Challenge The challenge is about the imaginary company called AtliQ Grands which owns multiple Five-Star hotels across India. AtilQ Grands is losing business to competitors due to their management’s ineffective decision-making. Now AtliQ Grands is losing its

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Marketing Insights - Data Analyst Project Challenge

Codebasics Resume Project Challenge – Data Analytics Project

This Project is a Codebasics Resume Project Challenge run by Codebasics. Hundreds of participants across the world participate in this and their work is then recognised by the Codebasics team and their connections on LinkedIn worldwide. The 3 basic requirements for completing the challenge are: I have successfully won this Competition! Challenge Results: Winners About

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Business Insights - Power BI Project

Business Insights 360 – Power BI Project By Codebasics

The Business Insights project is a part of the Codebasics Data Analytics Bootcamp. This is an end-to-end Data Analysis and Power BI project which is based on an imaginary company called AtliQ Hardware. About AtliQ Hardware AtliQ Hardware manufactures and sells hardware like PC, Mouse, Printers etc to multiple companies across the world. AtliQ’s customers

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